破盤獨家紙上的小宇宙:my cosmos比較使用
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內容簡介: 待在繪畫創作的世界裡,我可以不用去面對那個不擅長表達的自己,在那裡很平靜、很純粹,留下的只有永恆的情感和理想,那裡是我的小宇宙,裝滿無限可能的小宇宙。─安哲
Staying in the world of artistic creation allows me to forget about the uncommunicative side of me. I can enjoy the peace and purity, capturing only the enduring emotions and ideals. That is my little universe, where possibilities abound. ─Ahn Zhe
★ 視覺藝術家、知名演員——安哲,2010~2014作品集
★ 首度收錄!安哲情境寫真手稿集(14 × 14cm/44頁)
Where have gone avarice and conscience? The Disappeared No. 226 lost himself to what he wants, sacrificing conscience for the sake of profits. A manipulator inside out. People lose themselves, falling prey to desire.
While it may seem possible to see through the profound eyes of Ahn Zhe, they always leave you wondering what actually lies behind their misty depths. It is as if an infinite universe resides in those dark brown pupils, in spiral after spiral, where traces of melancholy, innocence and beauty are revealed through that subtle, flimsy moment of light.
To him, art is about portraying “the little universe,” and drama about unleashing the universe itself. For anyone who wants to know more about him, his productions offer a close peek into his world.
In his words, the so-called universe does not represent a whole picture. People in the modern age tend to live in their own little universe, which, instead of staying within boundaries, is ever expanding, and sometimes demonstrates only part of our lives.
This is a collection of his works from 2010 to 2014. Every creation of his tries to explore and shed light on his life, future, and relationships. With different angles and perspectives, he hopes to construct a little universe that belongs solely to him and which he desires to share with you.
“Peeping, incompletion, self-doubt, change, vulnerability, and coexistence.”
These sum up how he feels in pursuing his creative dream and the truth behind it.
“Sorrow, stress, absurdity, and desire.”
博客來書店They are the messages he wishes to deliver to this beloved world from his seemingly pessimistic heart.
His works brim with criticism, introspection, sarcasm, and absurdity. He is not just painting for painting’s sake, but for the sake of conveying his thoughts.
Answers are seldom found in his works since there are too many of them in this world, where there is no such thing as a standard answer. Thus he never provides answers, but leaves blanks and spaces for the viewers to fill in.
博客來網路書店In this book, he graphically depicts ten stories, all born out of his little universe and embedded with rich meaning.
The recurring elements appearing to be “negative” in the universe constructed by Ahn Zhe are, as a matter of fact, warnings to the real world.You need to see the bad to appreciate the good. Apart from ten of his finest works, the edition also includes an attached booklet featuring his daily life as an actor and artist. Acting plays a crucial role in Ahn Zhe’s life. By providing him with a way to explore, project, and release emotions, performing in dramas has in fact transformed his little universe. Above all, it allows him to share his little universe with all of you.
簽訂自由貿易協定對台灣貿易情形的影響 | 黑狗兄的青春夢:看見一雙襪子織出人心。鄉情。國家夢 | 最嗆的貿易史:小小胡椒,打造世界經濟版圖 | |||
認識各國自由貿易協定(FTA) | 搞懂規則,賺遍大陸:WTO下的兩岸經貿 | 貿易的故事:自由貿易與保護主義的抉擇 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: 安哲Ahn Zhe
- 出版社:凱特文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/12/20
- 語言:繁體中文
破盤獨家紙上的小宇宙:my cosmos比較使用
簽訂自由貿易協定對台灣貿易情形的影響 | 黑狗兄的青春夢:看見一雙襪子織出人心。鄉情。國家夢 | 最嗆的貿易史:小小胡椒,打造世界經濟版圖 | |||
認識各國自由貿易協定(FTA) | 搞懂規則,賺遍大陸:WTO下的兩岸經貿 | 貿易的故事:自由貿易與保護主義的抉擇 |
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